For any of you who make use of Amazon web services and have gone through some of their documentation, you likely might have noticed that it’s open-sourced (allowing contributions from the public).
Over the last couple of months, I’ve been working with a few services and have noticed that there a pockets of gaps in the documentation of a few services with little to no support from those managing the repositories on GitHub.
Personally, the main service i have noticed this with is cognito.
Has anyone else noticed this?
I don’t use too much of the AWS suite currently, just S3 and Cloudfront, which obviously have pretty solid docs. It’s quite interesting that a corporation with the resources that Amazon has would totally offload these tasks to the community…
Yeah I think the slip up happens with less popular services.
I don’t think they completely offloaded it to the public. They still seem to be maintained by internal staff. The problem is, it’s open to the public to contribute but the maintainers don’t seem to pay much attention and there hasn’t been massive improvements from their end either.
Is there not much of an active user community for Cognito, then?
From my experience of trying to work with cognito and finding help online, there doesn’t seem to be.
I do have a feeling that it could also be a case of multiple use cases where cognito has got Identity pools and user pools and you have multiple ways you can utilise it so it’s possibly not affected that many people. Or they’ve just moved on to other solutions.